Concentration of Sulfuric Acid
Sulfuric acid is an important product of the chemical industry, and is applied in the most several of processes. It is used in many organic processes as a catalytic agent for synthesis processes or to dry gases such as chlor, bromine, or chloromethane, whereas in the fertilizing industry, sulfuric acid is a basic ingredient for the final product. Concentrated sulfuric acid is also applied to dehydrate hydrochloric acid, nitric acid or acetic acid. It is diluted in those industrial processes A concentration system is used to minimize sulfuric acid waste or recycle concentrated H2SO4.
In graphite equipment, sulfuric acid can be concentrated up to about 80% in vacuum evaporation. At higher concentration and temperatures over 170°C, the sulfuric acid starts to oxidize graphite and Quartz Glass can be used instead.
The concentration process can be done in a loop with natural or forced circulation. Graphite Equipments are used as main key equipment.